At 10:45 this morning (Monday, March 30), Governor Hogan signed a new executive order instituting a “Stay at Home” directive. During the press conference, Governor Hogan reported on the drastic increase in the number of confirmed COVID19 cases in Maryland over the last few days. With the new directive, he stated, ” We are no longer asking people to stay home, we are now directing everyone to stay in their homes.”
Governor Hogan added, “No Marylander shall be leaving their home unless it is for an essential job or an essential reason such as obtaining food or medicine, seeking urgent medical attention or for other necessary purposes… essential businesses are directed to scale down operations to reduce the required in-person staff in order to limit in-person interactions and institute telework.”
This new executive order is effect at 8pm this evening. “Today’s order states that any person who knowingly or willfully violates the order is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction is subject to imprisonment not to exceed one year or a fine of $5,000 or both.”
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Full care boarding facilities in Maryland are considered recreational riding centers and as such are considered non-essential during this global human pandemic. As per today’s directive, these facilities should scale down the number of in-person staff needed to care for the horses on their properties.
To read today’s full Executive Order, click here: 453957680-Gov-Larry-Hogan-s-Stay-At-Home-Order-3-30-20.