According Delmarva Now and to the National Park Service, on Monday, September 15 a sports car hit a horse while driving on the causeway leading from the mainland to the Maryland side of the barrier island. This is the third such collision this year.
The car left the scene, but a witness called 911 after seeing the horse fall down.
The horse got up and walked away before authorities arrived. But based on the witness’ description, Park Service officials think the horse was N2BHS-CK, nicknamed Johnny’s Star. But a search that day could find no horses that appeared injured, including Johnny’s Star.
None of the three horses involved in vehicle incidents this year have died. But the park has recorded 29 vehicle-related horse deaths since 1982.
Park officials are urging all visitors to heed the posted speed limits – and to drive slower than the posted speed limits when approaching horses on or near the road.