first published in the December 2024 Equiery

You spoke and we listened! Based on feedback from the 2024 Maryland Horse Forum requesting more content geared towards training for the various equestrian sports Maryland has to offer, we now bring to you The Equiery’s newest column “Training Tips.”

This month’s Training Tip comes from Working Equitation rider and trainer Holly Linz. She explains the background behind the Bull Line obstacle and shares her tips on how to navigate this element often seen in the Ease of Handling and Speed rounds of Working Equitation. To learn more about the sport of Working Equitation, read “Newer Sports Gain Popularity in Maryland at:

The Bull Line
The most iconic obstacle in a Working Equitation course is likely the Bull Line. In this obstacle, the rider picks up a wooden or bamboo pole called a garrocha from an open topped barrel. They proceed to a “Bull” and attempt to spear the ring off the top of the bull, then return the garrocha and the ring to another open barrel.

The purpose of this obstacle is to reflect the tradition of moving cattle on farms in the Iberian peninsula with a garrocha. In practice, this obstacle rewards confidence, straightness, and a steady tempo from the horse, and seamless handling skills of the rider managing the horse and the garrocha. The highest marks can only be achieved by a horse and rider pair with a steady approach picking up the garrocha, and a straight line with consistent gait required for their level and a smooth execution retrieving the ring and returning the garrocha to the barrel.

Judges grade this obstacle by completion of each required task, quality and tempo of the gait, and straightness and balance of the line of travel. Any break in fluidity will be penalized and striking any of the obstacle will result in a lower mark. Skewering the ring is not nearly as important as the style and fluidity of the approach, correct bend, lead, and evenness of gait and tempo throughout the execution of the Bull Line. Successfully capturing the ring and returning it to the deposit barrel with the garrocha will take 10 seconds off a speed time round. In Ease of Handling, this obstacle can be walked or trotted at Intro Level, must be trotted at Level 2, and cantered from Levels 3 to 7 (highest level).

To begin training for this obstacle, start on the ground with desensitizing your horse to each part of the obstacle – the barrels, bull, and garrocha. They must be comfortable with all parts making noise and moving before you can think about completing the obstacle from the saddle.

Once they have accepted each part of the obstacle, then begin working to handle the garrocha yourself from the ground. Start out standing beside your horse and introduce the end of the garrocha in a target training manner. Present it to the front of them while you stand beside them. When they reach out to sniff or see it, lower it and reward them. They quickly realize they can get the garrocha to yield to them and become comfortable with it.

As soon as they do, you have permission to begin getting them comfortable with being touched with it. They must be ok being touched by the garrocha all over before being ready for the rider to handle it from the saddle. Once the horse has accepted all three items, practice riding alongside the Bull Line, without touching any of the components. Teach the horse how to be confident in marching straight along the entire bull line as if they are marching back to the barn from a trail ride.

The next step is practicing carrying the garrocha without accidentally hitting your horse. Garrochas are between 8-11’ and can be cumbersome, taking a while to fully control. Then the pieces can all come together and horse and rider can begin mastering finesse with the garrocha, all while riding one handed!