According to an indictment filed in Carroll County on June 27, Deborah C. Osborn of Union Bridge was charged yesterday with four counts of aggravated cruelty to animals for “intentionally causing the torture of four Arabian-type equines.” The 53 year old woman was also charged with an additional seven counts of animal cruelty for “inflicting unnecessary pain and suffering” to seven horses and 28 counts of animal cruelty “failing to provide nutritious food in sufficient quantity, proper drink, proper space and necessary veterinary care” for seven horses.
These alleged acts of cruelty took place between January and May of this year.
According to the indictment, the aggravated cruelty charges are felonies that come with a maximum penalty of up to three years in jail as well as $5,000 fines for each count, if convicted. The misdemeanors carry a penalty of up to 90 days in jail and $1,000 in fines for each count.
Osborn was released from holding on June 28 after posting a $25,000 cash bond, it had apparently been stated that she had a family member look into some of the companies offering Santa Ana Bail Bonds to aid her release. Conditions of her release include not owning, possessing, or being responsible for any horses.
A hearing is scheduled for July 19 in the Carroll County Circuit Court.
At this time, Animal Control of the Humane Society of Carroll County is not releasing the location of where the horses in question are being cared for.