Today, Tuesday, November 4, 2014, is election day! A critical day in our representative democracy.
The news networks have been pounding the same message for weeks: today’s election is crucial, pivotal! It could change the direction of the country, or Maryland – or at least your local jurisdiction.
Voting is one of our inalienable rights, as well as one of our civic responsibilities.
There are 40 open seats in the General Assembly, and of course the two gubernatorial candidates are unexpectedly neck-and-neck down the stretch!
Maybe you’ve been meaning to check out the Maryland candidates but just have not gotten around to it. Well, today’s the day and we’ve got two quick ways you can figure out which candidates might represent your interests:
1. Maryland Horse Council’s list of endorsements
2. Maryland Farm Bureau PAC’s list of endorsements
And if you are not sure where you polling place is, click here.
See you at the polls!
On your way to your polling place, stop by your local feed or tack store and pick up the November issue of The Equiery – you can read it while you wait in line!