Remember how, back in the waning days of winter, the Laurel Racing Association (a division under track owner Magna) literally filed its bid for slots at the 11th hour, sans the $28.5 million dollar filing fee? And remember when the Video Lottery Facility Location Commission spun the bid because Laurel didn’t follow the filing rules? And remember how Laurel argued that, because the law was not clear as to whether or not they would get their fee returned if they lost their bid, it was acceptable that they did not file the fee? And remember how the commission essentially said, “malarkey?” So Laurel sued? And the Anne Arundel Circuit Court rejected their argument? So, Laurel appealed?
Well, today, according to Daily Record, the Court of Appeals essentially said that both Laurel and the Anne Arundel Circuit Court jumped the gun, and that the case should have first gone to the State Board of Contract Appeals before it went to any other court, and that Laurel has to wait until the Commission makes its final ruling before they can challenge the bidding process.
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The Daily Record
July 7: Cecil County Going For Slots
According to the, Perryville’s mayor and town commissioners have approved the preliminary site plan for a slots casino on a 30-acre parcel off Route 222 in Cecil County near Interstate 95. Town planners want to see the plan include residential and retail areas before final approval.
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