The organizers of The Great Lisbon FARMERS FEED THE HUNGRY Parade are pleased to announce that HORSES will once again be part of the annual Lisbon Christmas Parade, scheduled for Saturday, December 10, 2016.
In 2015, organizers were disappointed to have to cancel the annual Lisbon Christmas Horse Parade due to logistical reasons.
But the food banks really depend upon the funds raised by the parade.
So the local ag community (including horse farms) rallied around a NEW parade, this one featuring decorated tractors and dubbed The Great Lisbon FARMERS FEED THE HUNGRY Christmas Parade. The new parade raised almost the same amount of money as the horse parade, over $9,000–not bad for a last-minute event!
Organizers have now merged the two very successful parades, and the 2016 parade will feature horses and tractors, and will be run under the auspices of the Howard County Farm Bureau. The 2016 parade will start in late afternoon with saddle horses, followed by carriage horses and–after dusk falls–will conclude with tractors decked out in their holiday finest! As in 2015, a Christmas Village will offer artisans, food, pony rides, live music and a bonfire. More details will be released in July.
In order to mitigate the logistical problems that caused the cancellation of last year’s horse parade, organizers will only be accepting 150 horses in this year’s parade. Registration will open August 1 and will close September 30 (or once 150 horses are registered, whichever comes first). Prior year parade participants will be given the opportunity for early registration. Details will be available in July on the NEW website,– and on and in the July print edition.

$1,500 was presented to Farmers & Hunters Feed The Hungry . L-R: committee member Howard Lasky (The Town Grill); Christopher Bowman (secretary, Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company).sponsor Tim Feaga (Heritage Realty); committee member Crystal Kimball (The Equiery);horse parade founder Lambert Cissel (Kimberthy Turf Farms, Inc.); Cody Ferguson (Boy Scout Troop 757); committee member Robert Ferguson (Ferguson Trucking); Matt Wilson (Farmers & Hunters Feed The Hungry); committee member Carey McIntosh (Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company); committee member Peggy Schulz (retired Howard County School system, contributing writer Howard County TImes); committee member Howie Feaga (Merry Acres Farm and president of Howard County Farm Bureau); sponsor Laura Lee Jones (real estate agent); committee member Carroll Roles (West Friendship Volunteer Fire Department);

$2,500 was presented to the Howard County Food Bank. L-R: committee member Howard Lasky (The Town Grill); Christopher Bowman (secretary, Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company).committee member Crystal Kimball (The Equiery), sponsor Tim Feaga (Heritage Realty); committee member Robert Ferguson (Ferguson Trucking); Cody Ferguson (Boy Scout Troop 757), committee member Carey McIntosh (Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company); Liz Crammond (Howard County Food Bank); horse parade founder Lambert Cissel (Kimberthy Turf Farms, Inc.); Dorcas Martinez (Howard County Food Bank); committee member Peggy Schulz (retired Howard County School system, contributing writer Howard County TImes); committee member Howie Feaga (Merry Acres Farm and president of Howard County Farm Bureau); committee member Carroll Roles (West Friendship Volunteer Fire Department); sponsor Laura Lee Jones (real estate agent)

$1,500 was presented to Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company. L-R: committee member Howard Lasky (The Town Grill);sponsor Tim Feaga (Heritage Realty); committee member Crystal Kimball (The Equiery);horse parade founder Lambert Cissel (Kimberthy Turf Farms, Inc.); Cody Ferguson (Boy Scout Troop 757); committee member Robert Ferguson (Ferguson Trucking); Christopher Bowman (secretary, Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company); Carey McIntosh (Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company); committee member Peggy Schulz (retired Howard County School system, contributing writer Howard County TImes); committee member Howie Feaga (Merry Acres Farm and president of Howard County Farm Bureau); sponsor Laura Lee Jones (real estate agent); committee member Carroll Roles (West Friendship Volunteer Fire Department);

$2,500 was presented to the Howard County Food Bank. L-R: committee member Howard Lasky (The Town Grill); Christopher Bowman (secretary, Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company).committee member Crystal Kimball (The Equiery), sponsor Tim Feaga (Heritage Realty); committee member Robert Ferguson (Ferguson Trucking); Cody Ferguson (Boy Scout Troop 757); horse parade founder Lambert Cissel (Kimberthy Turf Farms, Inc.); Carroll County Food Sunday Edward Leister; committee member Carey McIntosh (Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company); ; committee member Peggy Schulz (retired Howard County School system, contributing writer Howard County TImes); committee member Howie Feaga (Merry Acres Farm and president of Howard County Farm Bureau); committee member Carroll Roles (West Friendship Volunteer Fire Department); sponsor Laura Lee Jones (real estate agent)