With fair season just around the corner, the Maryland Department of Agriculture has put together a list of guidelines and suggestions on how to safely hold livestock shows and competitions during COVID-19.
From MDA:
Guidance for Livestock Shows & Competitions pertains to Horse Show and Horse Events, as horses are categorized as livestock under the Maryland Department of Agriculture.
Summer is peak season for livestock shows and competitions at local fairs and other agricultural events, including horse shows, horse competitions and horse events.
For show managers who plan to move forward with their events this year, see the following guidance to ensure your event is in compliance with state orders and standards set by the Maryland Department of Health and the CDC.
To read the full guidance text, click here: https://mda.maryland.gov/maryland_products/Documents/MDA-Livestock-Shows_June2020.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0LUNOUY5fbMIRh7_cCnF9p6SWaURFcmHXEI8aKBqZ3D-aqMYoVtUSbZxE