first published in the July 2024 Equiery
Towpath Detour
As of May 24, the towpath bridge over the Polly Pond Creek of the C&O Canal is closed until further notice. The bridge is at Mile 134.3. National Park staff reported on social media that the bridge is closed due to extensive foundation erosion and corresponding pier and structural damage.
While the bridge is closed, a new 2-mile detour has been set up for visitors to use. Instructions from park staff are as follows: Exit the towpath at Lock 56 (mile 136.2) via an existing causeway across the canal. Travel the Western Maryland Rail Trail, which parallels the towpath, until exiting at the bridge over Lock 55 (mile 134.1). Please follow the detour signage when traveling this portion of the towpath.
For more information on park closures, visit
National Trails Day
The Carroll County Equestrian Council hosted the 31st National Trails Day workday at Morgan Run NEA on June 1. Pictured are volunteers Howard Lanham, Joe Dragan, Gina Miller, Dave Radcliffe, Frank Durilla, Karen Durilla, Michey Rogers and Joe Moore. CCEC’s next trail workday is July 7. Contact to sign up!
TROT Welcomes New Secretary
Trail Riders of Today announced in May that member Sandra Bourdeaux of Woodbine has stepped up to take on the role of club secretary. “I used to volunteer for Queen Anne’s County Pony Express 4H when my daughter was younger,” said Sandra. “I didn’t realize how much I missed being a part of a group of equestrians who are on a mission to do good while joined through the love of horses until I attended a TROT function.” Bourdeaux is an avid equestrian and lifelong horse enthusiast and brings 10 years of administrative proficiency and more than three decades of publishing experience to the position.