(first appeared in The Equiery May 2012 issue)
Happy Birthday Maryland Saddle Association
The Maryland Saddle Association is one of the oldest horse show organizations in Maryland, being founded in 1962. This season marks the 50th Anniversary of the organization which offers five shows a year at the Prince George’s Equestrian Center. This year, the organization has made a few changes to move MSA into its next 50 years.
The MHSA Rates Show will be held both Saturday and Sunday, allowing competitors to earn double the points in one weekend worth of showing. Jumpers are also now being offered on both days.
MSA is actually lowering the pricing of some of the classes offered and has created a new class schedule. Their rule book has also been revamped and they are even offering a cash incentives program.
Send your MSA memories and photos to editor@equiery.com.
High School Grants
In 2012, the U.S. Equestrian Federation is offering more than $20,000 in grant money to qualified students and high school equestrian clubs or teams. The grants are being awarded through the — USEF High School Equestrian Athlete Program.
To be eligible for a grant, an applicant must be a current program participant and have successfully completed at least one year within the program. The applicant must also be a member of at least one — USEF Recognized Breed/Discipline Affiliate or International Affiliate Association (including the USHJA).
Grant winners could receive up to $1,000 to be used for academic or equestrian educational pursuits. In addition, ten $500 grants will be awarded to local high school equestrian teams and clubs. Essays must be submitted to the — USEF by June 11, 2012. For more information, please contact highschoolequestrianathlete@usef.org.
Southern Maryland Horse Assoc. Disbands
The Southern Maryland Horse Association was founded in 1984 with the mission to promote horsemanship, good sportsmanship and the betterment of the equestrian sport. The organization hosted several schooling shows a year at the Prince George’s Equestrian Center. SMHA offered a broad range of classes for Western, English, Saddle Seat riders and even Driving. Sadly, 2011 was the last year of this show series as the organizers have decided to not offer any shows in 2012 and to disband the organization.
Rules and Regs
Points and Prize Money
A few changes to the rules on how points are awarded and prize money distributed have been made for the 2012 season. Effective December 1, 2011, GR312 General CH3 Competition Licensing now states that in the Hunter division, the Increment System will determine points for ribbons won in any rated section.
The point value for ribbons won in “A”, “B” or “C” rated hunter sections is determined according to the Increment System utilizing a combination of the base points for each placing at each level of section rating and adding one point for each entry shown in the first performance class.
In the past, the point value for “B” or “C” shows was based on the number of entries shown and for “A” shows, it was based on the number of entries and the amount of prize money awarded. The rule continues to state:
In addition, in the First and Second Year Green Hunter, High Performance Hunter, Performance Working Hunter 3’3” and 3’6”, Green Conformation Hunter and Regular Conformation Hunter, standings for all National Horse of the Year Awards based on money won will be determined by dollars won in the horses’ respective sections.
GR1131 Hunter Divisions CH11 Federation Records and Awards talks about the exceptions to the Increment System of calculating points in terms of National Awards for First and Second Year Green Hunter, High Performance and Performance Working Hunter, Green Conformation Hunter and Regular Conformation Hunter divisions. The rule states that for these classes, points are calculated using two systems towards two separate sets of national awards.
For national Money Won Awards, calculations are based on the money won by each horse in its respective section. For national Points Awards, calculations are done using the Increment System. In addition, both money won and points won in Hunter Classics and the International Hunter Derby will be included. Money and points won in the USHJA International Hunter Derby will only be awarded towards a declared hunter section for Horse of the Year points if a horse competes in the declared section a minimum of five times during the competition year.
Equitation Changes
Effective on January 23, 2012, the description of what can and cannot be asked of the riders during an Equitation Division has changed. Rule EQ111 Class Routine now states that exhibitors will be eliminated if they trot or canter through the in-gate or out-gate. Due to this rule change, rule EQ114 Test From Which Judges Must Choose also had to be changed. It now states that “equitation tests must not have exhibitors trotting or cantering through in-gate or out-gate” and also states that if they do so, they will be eliminated.
Hunter Classics
The effective date for the rule change to HU146.4 was changed from December 1, 2012 to being immediately effective as of March 26, 2012. This rule removes the prize money requirement for the Children’s Hunter Pony Classics and also removed the requirement for double prize money in all two-round Hunter Classics where both rounds of the Classic are held separately from the division.
Also, the wording for HU146 Hunter Classics has changed effective April 1, 2012. Hunter Classics must still be conducted as a two-round class. However, a Handy Hunter round may not be used as part of the Hunter Classic.