(First published in June 2018 issue of The Equiery)
After 20 years of ideas and talks, the Harford County Agricultural Center finally opened its doors on May 7 in Street. County Executive Barry Glassman was at the ribbon cutting and said (as reported in the Baltimore Sun), “For as many as 20 years, we always talked about having an ag center where we could consolidate all our ag services and Preserve Harford County’s agricultural heritage.”
The new Ag Center occupies the former Glen Echo Furniture store at the crossroads of Routes 1 and 136. The county purchased the property in March of this year for $950,000. Current Ag Center tenants include the Harford County Farm Bureau, Harford County Soil Conservation District, the University of Maryland Extension’s Harford office (including its 4-H program), and the Maryland Department of Forest Pest Management. Additional space is available for federal agriculture entities.