On March 4, the Equine Disease Communications Center (EDCC) confirmed of Equine Influenza at a 20 horse boarding facility in Howard County. EDCC confirmed that all 20 horses have been exposed with one confirmed case and two suspected cases as of today (March 10). The confirmed case was found in a Quarter Horse gelding that showed the onset clinical signs of a fever, severe purulent nasal discharge and lethargy on February 24. The diagnosis of Equine Influenza was confirmed on March 4.
For more information on Equine Influenza, click here: https://aaep.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Outside%20Linked%20Documents/DiseaseFactsheet_EquineInfluenza_FINAL-Cobranded.pdf?utm_source=EDCC&utm_medium=social+media&utm_campaign=health+alert&fbclid=IwAR0w_DWtESOuPgVg71DPXjWOLO6PbEXkMz52m1L7eHgU4d9y7k5gwGqeoU0