Whether it is Rosaryville or Fail Hill, Patuxent or Patapsco, Wye Island or Savage Rider,
Gunpowder or Tuckahoe, Gambrill or Prettyboy, Loch Racen or Calvert Cliffs, Morgan Run or Rocky Gorge
chances are you ride on land owned and managed by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is seeking public input on the final draft of the Land Preservation and Recreation Plan, developed to enhance recreation areas and services on State lands. The plan was devised using public input gathered during a random telephone survey, an online survey and through four regional stakeholder meetings.
The proposed plan helps to guide land conservation and the development of outdoor recreation opportunities over the next five years, aiming to: provide Maryland’s citizens and visitors with safe and easily accessible amenities; encourage the enjoyment and stewardship of Maryland’s natural world; and balance outdoor recreation land use with natural and cultural resource protection.
The Land Preservation and Recreation Plan also serves as Maryland’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, and upon final approval by the National Park Service, qualifies the State to receive land acquisition money through the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund.
To provide feedback: check out the plan at dnr.state.md.us/land/Stewardship and send comments toLPRP@dnr.state.md.us between now and 4 p.m. Friday, February 14, 2014.
Click here for The Equiery’s Guide To Maryland Bridle Trails & Trail Map.