by Maryland Department of Agriculture Office of Resource Conservation
Here’s some good news for Maryland horse owners. The Maryland Department of Agriculture’s team of equine specialists is reaching out to small horse farms to go over services currently available and offer support for creating a healthy environment for horses.
Our equine specialists are working to educate horse owners and operators on the beanefits of getting a Soil Conservation and Water Quality Plan. Developed free of charge by conservation planners at the local soil conservation district, these plans will identify and prioritize environmental concerns and include a menu of best management practices that can help you:
· Manage mud and manure
· Improve pasture and forage quality
· Control weeds
· Protect local streams from erosion and runoff
For more information on best management practices that we offer, please see our Horse Owner’s Guide to Greener Pastures, Cleaner Streams, and Healthier Horses at
MDA staff from the Southern Maryland Region have started visiting horse farms in Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties. Plans are underway to expand this effort statewide. The aim is to create a list of new service recommendations based on owner/operator input, including conservation grants specifically designed for small farms.
If you are a Maryland horse farm owner or operator and would like to schedule a visit, please contact Adam Lyon, Southern Maryland Regional Coordinator, at or (443) 534-1989.