We must keep in mind the old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” (Click here to read The Equiery‘s first 2017 Equine Herpes health alert.)
In what is undoubtedly a proactive and cautious move, management of the 2017 Maryland National Horse Show [Belfield Farm Show Management], which was to be held this weekend, has canceled the show this evening via their Facebook page:In the best interest of our friends, trainers , exhibitors and equines we feel we need to cancel our Maryland National Horse Show. [Thursday, April 6- Sunday, April 9, 2017]
The Equiery commends En-Tice-Ment Stables at Obligation Farm for their ethical yet nevertheless courageous decision to be forthright in announcing that the horse referenced in the Maryland State equine health alert was from their farm, and that they are doing everything in their power to be good stewards and pro-active in ensuring that this equine heath emergency situation does not inadvertently morph into a crisis. Utilizing their public Facebook page, En-Tice-Ment posted the following notification [sic]:
Where to even begin about our sweet Willow aka Enticements Top Glo Girl. She was a once in a lifetime type of horse. A horse that could be life changing in one way or another. She changed the lives and taught more children and adults then we can ever even begin to count. I know everyone that has come in contact with her has there own personal story to share. We could sit here and tell a million story ourselves. Feel free to share your pictures and stories here on our page as it will help us through this difficult time.
Unfortunately, she was taken from us all too soon. Willow contracted the non neuro form of equine herpes. It was a respiratory form of herpes that mutated into a neurological form.
Willow was recently at the Prep horse show at the Prince George’s equestrian center March 17-19 in barn s1 stall 47(we think) facing the ring and the BEST horse show also at the Prince George’s Equestrian Center March 24-26 in barn w3 at the end closest to w4. She had not traveled anywhere else all winter. She was vaccinated and all precautions were taken but the virus won in the end.
We want to give all of our equine friends as much information as possible so if you have questions feel free to contact us via phone call or text. We will not be monitoring the computer but will post updates about our farm health as we can.
Meanwhile, the BEST Horse Show Series posted confirmation on their Facebook page:
The horse attended the March BEST show and was stabled in the W-3 barn. The farm is now under a 21 day quarantine hold and is being monitored by the MD Dept of Agriculture vets . We will pass on more information as we get updates. It tested positive for the non-neuropathagenic form of EHV-1.
The Equiery will continue to provide updates as they become available.