The Power of the Press!
In November on and in the December print edition, The Equiery wondered whether Anne Arundel County was becoming “anti-horse” because of various rules and regs that are definitely “horse unfriendly.” Apparently, people within Anne Arundel County government listened! The County Council passed Bill 75-16, which would allow manure composting in rural-ag zoning. Meanwhile, Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks has modified the infamous “bun bag” rule. According to Cathy Hall, of the Pasadena Horse & Pony Club:
The bun-bag rule has been mostly fixed. The new rule is: “Bun bags/manure catchers are only required while riding on or along paved trails.”
[My contact within Anne Arundel County government] said the paved trails (B&A and BWI) have become frequently crowded with walkers, bikers, skaters, strollers, wheelchairs, etc. Apparently the rangers have asked that riders dismount and kick poop off the trail, but it wasn’t always done and pedestrians complained. I think this fix addresses most of the riders. At least I’ve only heard from people who use the natural trails.
Thank you again for posting the new rules on your Facebook page and in the December issue. That was tremendously helpful with our fight for resolve this!