The Equiery and Maryland Horse Council are looking to celebrate those who give back to the Maryland equestrian community through a new feature in our annual November Giving issue. We are looking for nominations from our readers of individuals and/or horses that have made an impact on the community through one of our State’s many non-profit philanthropic organizations.

Nominations must be submitted to by October 10, 2019 with the following information:

1.     Name of the person/horse being nominated

2.     Organization that person/horse represents

3.     Brief essay as to why that person/horse has had a significant positive impact on the Maryland equestrian community.

4.     Supply a minimum of one photo of the person/horse being nominated.

5.     Contact information of the person submitting the nomination.

Nominations can be for staff, volunteers and/or horses that are involved with a Maryland philanthropic non-profit with 501(c) status. A nominations committee will review all nominations with the winner being featured in our November Giving issue. Late nominations will not be accepted but will be kept on file for future issues.

For questions, please contact Katherine Rizzo at

Did you know . . .?

All Maryland charities must register with the MD Dept. of State in order to be eligible to receive tax exempt donations.

Check your Organizations Status  •  Register your Organization

And… click here for special ad rates for non-profits in our November Giving issue!