According to a staff memorandum sent recently by County Economic Development Director Steve Silverman, at least three Montgomery County staff that assist the equestrian community and protect the environment are going to lose their jobs in June. In response to County Executive Leggett’s call for further budget reductions, Silverman will be proposing THIS FRIDAY (January 15, 2010) to the COUNTY COUNCIL to eliminate positions in the (already understaffed) Soil Conservation District (SCD) office (including the Equine Conservation Planner) and other related positions in the Agricultural Services office. These workers support horse farm owners and operators (and farmers generally) with conservation and environmental protection practices.

Equestrian leaders in the Montgomery County are trying to rouse support from their fellow equestrians.  

EPIC (Equestrian Partners in Conservation) has sent out the following plea: “It is critical that we stop Silverman’s proposal. Please write immediately to county councilmembers (and copy Silverman) today expressing your concern and demand that these positions – so important to the equestrian community, the agricultural community and the health of the Chesapeake Bay – remain intact. Just say ‘Whoa!’ to Silverman!”

E-mail addresses for Montgomery County Council Members: